About Me

Adventure, elemental to my passion for living, once brought me to live in the mountains. There my senses gradually opened to the phenomenon of patterns in nature which are distinct from the patterns of my familiar civilized culture. I responded by creating art that reflected the freedom I was seeking and loved. During art school, I saw that things made by hand had a life and a soul; thus, I formed my belief in “handmade”.

Later, I started buying vintage belts because I value the human touch of hand craft, distinct from store-bought and mass-produced. I liked seeing the tool marks in the leather. It made me think of another time or place, an earlier period when life was rustic and attention to detail and craftsmanship was a way of life. The vintage belts look like artifacts to me and they tell a story of working the land.

That story inspired me to create a bracelet for myself out of a belt from my collection. Then, family and friends wanted me to make one for them. I began developing my craft, buying tools, and selling to friends. Now I am able to share them with you online.

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• I also sell Vintage Goods & Supplies in my other Etsy Shop - http://www.goodmerchants.etsy.com

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